ANĀHATA - The Heart Mind Therapy
About ANĀHATA...

Anāhata is a Sanskrit term for the place
where our heart centre is located.
Anāhata means sound produced from that which is 'unstruck'. That is, two things have met by intersection and not by collision.
The two things here metaphorically means our Heart and our Higher-Self. Our Heart that cannot be captured or conquered and when in connection with our Higher-Self can only be heard.
In translation to my work of counselling, I interpret this as, when our mind is in harmony (intersection) with our heart, life is blissful and beautiful. Whereas, when we find ourselves in conflict (collision) with our heart, life is confusing and unfulfilling.
This is why I have named my practice as Anāhata. Because, I believe our Heart has a Mind of its own for our clear guidance in life.
Anāhata - the Heart Mind therapy for souls that want to heal themselves from the chains of the past.
A meticulously created safe, confidential, non-judgemental place for self-exploration, self-expression and self-healing.